Frequently Asked Questions


We stand by our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. Our cleaning professionals take pride in providing the best service they absolutely can. In the event that you are unhappy with your service, we ask that you please contact us within 24 hours of your service. We’ll send a team out to make it right (within a 7-day window). If after our re-clean is completed and you’re still not happy with service, we offer a full refund.

All of our team members are interviewed by the owners and pass a criminal record check. We believe our team is our greatest asset, and therefore have very high standards. Only about 10% of those that apply end up working as a Volunteer Maids cleaner.

We take the security of your billing information seriously. Volunteer Maids employs industry-standard security measures to protect your data. Our payment processing is encrypted, and we adhere to strict privacy policies to ensure the confidentiality and safety of your financial details. Your trust and security are paramount to us. If you have specific concerns or questions, please reach out to us for further details on our security practices.

Our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee is the gold standard that our company lives by. If you are not completely satisfied with your cleaning, we will come back out and clean anything they missed, free of charge. If you still don’t think we did a good enough job to recommend us to your friends, we’ll refund your money.

Yes, they do. We require a criminal record check on all of our applicants as the last step in our pre-screening process.

If something goes wrong we’re here to make it right. Please let us know right away and we’ll be there to take care of it. That’s our promise to you!


Cleaning services never looked so good! Here are what is included in your cleaning.

  • We’ll perform a standard/regular cleaning, excluding inside of cabinets, baseboards, windows, and anything under the extras, unless they are added to your service.
  • All supplies and cleaning products
  • Top-notch Customer service
  • Unlimited access by phone, email or chat
  • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Book a cleaning now.

You can get a cleaning estimate here. Our cleaning service costs vary based on factors such as the size of the space, the type of cleaning required, and any additional services chosen. We are committed to providing transparent pricing and ensuring our services align with your budget and expectations.

We currently serve Jefferson City, Dandridge, New Market, White Pine, West Morristown, Talbott, East Knoxville, Strawberry Plains, Mascot and Kodak. If you’re not located within these areas, let us know where you are and we’ll get back to you quickly to confirm our availability.

Yes, you can! Simply respond to your confirmation email or log into your account and add any comments you would like to be applied to your service.

Our Standard Cleaning service is a comprehensive package that covers essential cleaning tasks. It includes dusting, vacuuming, mopping, surface disinfection, and general tidying up of living spaces. Designed for routine maintenance, this service maintains a clean and refreshed environment. For a deeper and more detailed cleaning, we recommend exploring our Deep Cleaning options.

Book a Standard Cleaning now.

When you book service an account is automatically created for you. Simply set up your account, choose your password, and you’re ready to go.

Yes, Volunteer Maids brings our own high-quality cleaning supplies, products, and equipment. Our team is fully equipped to handle the cleaning process, ensuring efficiency and convenience for our clients. If you have specific preferences or concerns, feel free to discuss them with us, and we’ll do our best to accommodate your needs.


Absolutely! There will never be any surprises associated with your booking.

Here’s what you get in our 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed cleaning service

Our Standard Cleaning is perfect for recurring services on a home that has been professionally cleaned within the last month and is in average condition for a well-maintained home. If you are a first-time client, or if your home has not been professionally cleaned within the last month, selecting the Deep Clean option will give your cleaning professionals the extra time and additional equipment and supplies to achieve the high-quality results they are known for. Once a Deep Clean has been performed, our Standard Clean will be the perfect choice for recurring services!

If you have specific areas that you would like your cleaner to concentrate on during your Deep Clean service, just let us know and we’ll make sure to add those areas to the service order.

Schedule a cleaning now.

“Extras” refer to additional services beyond our standard cleaning offerings. These could include tasks such as interior window cleaning, refrigerator cleaning, or any specialized requests you may have. We provide these extras to accommodate unique preferences and ensure a customized cleaning experience tailored to your specific needs.

Schedule a cleaning now.

This is our top to bottom, most thorough clean! If you are a homeowner, landlord, property manager, tenant, buyer, or seller in need of a professional cleaning service, our Move In/Move Out option will provide you with a thorough cleaning that will prepare the home for you or the new family! While booking, be sure to select extras like “Finished Basement” (if your house is bi-level or has a basement that will be included as part of your Moving clean), “Clean inside the fridge”, “Clean inside the oven” and other extras as needed to ensure our cleaners do them. Please ensure that the home is empty prior to our service. We will need electricity and running water.

Book a Move in/Move out cleaning service now.

Deep Cleaning is a thorough and detailed cleaning of your home that goes beyond regular cleaning tasks. It includes cleaning and disinfecting areas that are not typically included in a regular cleaning, such as baseboards, light fixtures, vents, ceiling fans, electric cover plates and window sills. If you are a first-time client, or if your home has not been professionally cleaned within the last month, selecting the Deep Clean option/extra, will give our cleaning technicians the extra time, additional equipment and supplies to achieve the high-quality results we are known for. Be sure to select extras like “Clean inside the fridge”, “Clean inside the oven” and other extras as needed to ensure our cleaners do them.

Book a Deep Cleaning now.

Our Standard Cleaning service is a comprehensive package that covers essential cleaning tasks. It includes dusting, vacuuming, mopping, surface disinfection, and general tidying up of living spaces. Designed for routine maintenance, this service maintains a clean and refreshed environment. For a deeper and more detailed cleaning, we recommend exploring our Deep Cleaning options.

Book a Standard Cleaning now.

Our cleaners do their absolute best to provide exceptional service, but there are certain things that we cannot offer/guarantee. Liability, safety, and the highest quality are considered at all times. If you are unsure about your cleaning or an item below, please call us to discuss!


That said, the following are services that we do not provide:


  • We cannot perform services while other services are being performed in or around the home (plumbing, painting, construction, etc.)


  • No lifting or moving of heavy items (refrigerator, stove, tables, etc.)


  • No moving vases, hung pictures, or other delicate items.


  • We are happy to load your dishwasher, but cannot replace dishes in cupboards once complete. We don’t want to break anything.


  • Cleaning any item or area that cannot be safely reached using telescopic cleaning tools and a step stool.


  • Removing excessive pet hair from upholstery.


  • Cleaning exterior windows.


  • Cleaning Mini Blinds. Our cleaners are happy to dust horizontal metal or plastic mini blinds, but we have found that they are easily bent or damaged if anything beyond dusting is attempted.


  • Removing strong odours (mould, animal waste, smoke, etc.) Again, we will do our best.


  • Cleaning inside dishwashers and washing machines.


  • Cleaning light bulbs.


  • Cleaning rodent/insect infested homes.


  • Removing excess paint from surfaces.


  • Post-construction cleaning. We can provide that service, but it does not fall within the parameters of our online booking system and would require an in-person visit to make a quote.


  • Deep carpet/floor cleaning (steam cleaning, polishing, waxing, etc.)


  • Heavy marks/stains on walls, baseboards, other painted surfaces. We don’t want to potentially damage your paint!